Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hollywood and its fixation with toilet and anatomy humour

I have never found America's fart/shit/pee jokes funny. Not that I find it disgusting, (they are perfectly normal human functions), but I don't see the logic. How can you laugh when someone has just dropped a load and has no paper to wipe his a** clean? What is so funny about that? I just don't get it.
Despite my reservations about Hollywood's obsession with toilet humour, strangely, I have shared a laugh over certain other jokes, that would otherwise be deemed crass. For eg: In, There's Something About Mary, I cannot help but laugh at Cameron Diaz wiping off presumed hair gel and fixing her hair. That was hilarious I thought.
That apart, coming back to my point. I recently had the fortune (or was it misfortune) to watch Jude Apatow's 'Knocked Up'. Gorgeous, smart, but piss-drunk gal picks up ugly, jobless and unemployably uncouth (uh! I wouldn't want to be seen with you kind) guy gets knocked up in a one night stand. Less said the better about this movie that is all about tits, getting laid, balls and more of it. In a nation like the US, that I consider relatively progressive about under-the-blanket activities, I find it strange that jokes about desperate men trying to get a glimpse of a woman's anatomy are Hollywood material.
What makes it worse is that I have now started watching Jude's latest movie 'Superbad' about teenage kids and their almost sexcapades, with lots of innuendos and tit/balls/sex jokes thrown in.
Frankly, I am to blame for attempting to watch something i dont like. I am not uncomfortable about discussing sex, but the Hollywood version is downright cheap.
But then, this is what the world wants to see... a forty year old virgin getting laid, or a gal getting knocked up or maybe just a 15 year old getting there... it is all entertainment and believe me, with people showing studios the money, there's gonna be more of tis shit!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The hunt for that elusive 'pee'

Over the past few months, I have been trying to toilet train my one year old daughter with fairly great results. A few days ago however, the entire regimen went topsy-turvy when the diarrhea bug hit her. Food poisoning sounds more apt. We braved that nightmare, but soon it seemed she may have contracted a urine infection. Doc recommends a routine check and hands me a small container. "This is easy" I thought to myself.
After all my daughter wakes us up with a call for a dash to the loo. The following day we wake up, take her to the loo.... i wait and wait... container in one hand and the other supporting the lil brat on the seat. then she obliges, but am all at sea, how do i collect the damn thing. Result: Pee over, container empty.
"Dont worry", said the hubby laughing at my failed attempt, "she'll pee again in the next half hour. Fine, I thought... no diaper... so she prances around watching her fav TV show, nibbling on biscuits...
Then she says... peecee (that is our code for i need to go now). Proud of my training skills I go over to take her to the loo and behold I feel a very wet trouser bottom. The sofa was soaking it all up. Damn! I need a sample.
Off go the trousers too... my lil one seemed strangely happy without the confines of a diaper or panty.
Over the next one hour she may have said 'peecee' at least 5 times.... each time happily sprinkling the darned sample I wanted all over the apartment.
Convinced that my toilet training skills needed honing, i decided to try my last stunt... just place her on the loo and wait indefinitely... i let the tap run.... someone once told me the sound of running water induces them to pee.... i tried everything.... a good 15 minutes later.... i heard what i was dying to hear... 'peecee'. Container retrieved. Finally, I've got the pee!

Half an hour later....
Doc-- "The tests results are normal. nothing to worry. just give her loads of water to drink."
"Shit" i thought to myself....and all i managed was an apartment full of pee.
All for a good cause I guess!