Monday, December 10, 2007

The hunt for that elusive 'pee'

Over the past few months, I have been trying to toilet train my one year old daughter with fairly great results. A few days ago however, the entire regimen went topsy-turvy when the diarrhea bug hit her. Food poisoning sounds more apt. We braved that nightmare, but soon it seemed she may have contracted a urine infection. Doc recommends a routine check and hands me a small container. "This is easy" I thought to myself.
After all my daughter wakes us up with a call for a dash to the loo. The following day we wake up, take her to the loo.... i wait and wait... container in one hand and the other supporting the lil brat on the seat. then she obliges, but am all at sea, how do i collect the damn thing. Result: Pee over, container empty.
"Dont worry", said the hubby laughing at my failed attempt, "she'll pee again in the next half hour. Fine, I thought... no diaper... so she prances around watching her fav TV show, nibbling on biscuits...
Then she says... peecee (that is our code for i need to go now). Proud of my training skills I go over to take her to the loo and behold I feel a very wet trouser bottom. The sofa was soaking it all up. Damn! I need a sample.
Off go the trousers too... my lil one seemed strangely happy without the confines of a diaper or panty.
Over the next one hour she may have said 'peecee' at least 5 times.... each time happily sprinkling the darned sample I wanted all over the apartment.
Convinced that my toilet training skills needed honing, i decided to try my last stunt... just place her on the loo and wait indefinitely... i let the tap run.... someone once told me the sound of running water induces them to pee.... i tried everything.... a good 15 minutes later.... i heard what i was dying to hear... 'peecee'. Container retrieved. Finally, I've got the pee!

Half an hour later....
Doc-- "The tests results are normal. nothing to worry. just give her loads of water to drink."
"Shit" i thought to myself....and all i managed was an apartment full of pee.
All for a good cause I guess!

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